Trade paperback cover 1987 DC comics.

IMAX Watchmen movie poster

The Watchmen From L to R, The Comedian, Silk Specktre, Dr. Manhattan, Ozymandias, and NiteOwl. Watchmen Movie. Warner bros 2008.

Empire Magazine cover, Rorshcach.

Watchmen character promos seen on billboards around the world.

The death/birth of Jon Osterman(aka Dr Manhattan). Watchmen film. Warner bros 2008.

Rorshcach in action.Watchmen film 2008.

Page from the watchmen Comic.(c) DC Comics 1986.
After Blake's funeral, Dr. Manhattan is accused of causing the cancers afflicting his former girlfriend and colleagues from before the accident that turned him into the being he is now. Manhattan exiles himself to Mars, giving the Soviet Union the confidence to invade Afghanistan in his absence. Later, Rorschach's conspiracy theory appears to be justified when Adrian, who had long since made his identity as Ozymandias public before retiring, narrowly avoids an assassination attempt, with Rorschach finding himself framed for the murder of Moloch, and then sent to prison.

Nite Owl and Silk Spectre Pay a friend a visit. Watchmen movie. Warner Bro 2008.

Akerman as Silk Spectre. (c) Warner bros.

Haley as Rorshach. (c) Warner Bros.
Jackie Earle Haley as Walter Kovacs / Rorschach: A masked vigilante who continues his vigilante activities after they are outlawed. WOW WOW WOW .....All I can say, nuff said, I will NOT go into this character here. He has to be seen to be believed. The character from he comic is a cynical, depressed, conspiracy crazed soul who wears an ink blot mask because he relates to that face over his own torchured, pain riddled visage. EVERYTHING he does in this film, the way he moves, the fight scenes, the lines executed.....absolutely perfect, you can't get any better than this. Rorschach is BADASS!!! Best character in the film.

Wilson as Nite Owl standing infront of the Owl ship. (c) Warner bros.
Patrick Wilson as Daniel Dreiberg / Nite Owl II: A retired superhero with technological experience. I read somewhere that John Cusack, a fan of the comic book, expressed interest in the role. While Cusack would have been great, I can't help wonder if he would have been great enough. And being the only "big name" attached to this film, it would have looked odd to have only the one big actor attached to the project when everyone else are almost no names. Wilson put on 25 lbs to play the overweight Dreiberg. He compared Dreiberg to a soldier who returns from war unable to fit into society. Wilson said the fight style he was instructed to give Nite Owl was "heavy-handed and power coordinated" and more military hand to hand combat based. I loved Nite Owl, they got everything right with him as well, right down to Daniels "personal Malfunctions" as a man. Wilson did an awesome job! I was thinking of Patrick Warburton (The Tick) as a great choice for NiteOwl, but Wilson nailed the part.

Dr Manhattan in the flesh. Watchmen Movie. Warner Bros. 2008
Billy Crudup as Dr. Jon Osterman / Doctor Manhattan: A REAL superhero with genuine powers who works for the U.S. government. Keannu Reeves at one time had interest in the role of Manhattan, I'm glad he chose to opt out. It's the same sentiment with John Cusack, This story is best left told through characters that don't seem quite recognizable and using lesser known actors achieves this. As well as playing Osterman in flashback as a human, for his post-accident scenes as Dr. Manhattan, Crudup is replaced in the film with a motion-capture CG version of himself. During filming, Crudup acted opposite his co-stars, wearing a white suit covered in blue LEDs, so he would give off an otherworldly glow in real life, just as the computer-generated Manhattan does in the movie. The special effects technicians considered that Dr. Manhattan is supposed to be a god-like being who after his accident tries to create the perfect human form with a well-formed physique and extreme musculature. For this purpose, his body was modeled on that of fitness model and actor Greg Plitt. The crew then 3D-digitized Crudup's head into the CG creation of Manhattan. The other idea was to use a rubber suit, and I'm really glad they didn't go the rubber suit path in fears that it would look just like that, a rubber suit. There is controversy revolving around the fact that most of Manhattans scenes were in the nude, save for some public appearances and being "on the job" Well, my oppinion is this. The blue penis is shown in the comics, so why not portray him as he is meant to be portrayed? As someone godly, who moves through the world unflinching, and unapologetically. The voice work Crudup suplied was also supurb, reminding me of HAL from 2001 a space odessey. It was perfect for the sombre, contemplative and alone Manhattan and quickly gave him relative humanity even though he was becoming a god.
Ozymandias. Promo poster for Watchmen. (c) Warner Bros.
Matthew Goode as Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias: A retired superhero who has since made his identity public. The role of Ozymandias was originally connected to actor Tom Cruise. I'm glad this was not happening because it would have been a disaster. For one, Cruise is too small! Snyder said Goode was "big and tall and lean", which aided in bringing "this beautiful ageless, Aryan superman" feel to the character. Goode interpreted Veidt's back-story to portray him with a German accent in private and an American one in public; Goode explained Veidt gave up his family's wealth and traveled the world, becoming a self-made man because he was ashamed of his parents' Nazi past, which in turn highlighted the themes of the American Dream and the character's duality. Ozymandias's character proved a hard time casting, because they needed someone handsome, beautiful and sophisticated in an angelic way, and that's a tough combo. Orlando bloom was thought of, but again it came down to size, he just wasn't big enough. I love what Goode did as Veidt/Ozy.
The Comedian. Watchmen subway promo poster. (c) Warner bros.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Edward Blake / The Comedian: A superhero who is commissioned by the U.S. government. LOVED this character, it's the pivotal character that sets off the events in the movies plot and I'd be terrified if I had to portray this complex character in a film. But Morgan pulled it off to a tee, completely nailed Blake no problem. Some funny trivia I found: Morgan asked Snyder if The Comedian could swear more in the script. Of his casting, Snyder said, "It's hard to find a man's man in Hollywood. It just is. And Jeffrey came in and was grumpy and cool and grizzled, and I was, like, 'OK, Jeffrey is perfect!'"

Carla Gugino as Sally Jupiter / Silk Spectre: A retired superheroine, mother of Laurie Jupiter and the first Silk Spectre. Gugino's character ages from 25 years old in the 1940s to 67 years old in the 1980s, and the 37-year-old actress wore prosthetics to reflect the aging process. Gugino described her character's superhero outfit as an influence of Bettie Page-meets-Alberto Vargas. The actress donned the trademark hairdo of the character, though it was shaped to be more plausible for the film. She also posed for the Alberto Vargas-style pin-ups of her character and a painting meant to be done by Norman Rockwell, which she enjoyed because she was fascinated by Vargas. One of those Vargas Styled paintings are seen on the side of Enola gay, the bomber that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.
The Minutemen, a precursory team to the Watchmen. (c) Warner bros.
Matt Frewer as Edgar Jacobi / Moloch the Mystic: An elderly rehabilitated criminal, known when he was younger as an underworld kingpin and magician. Matt Frewer if you remember the old TV show Max Headroom played Max, a computer generated think tank that originated from the old pepsi commercials slogans "Catch the wave". Frewer was also great in the Dawn of the Dead remake. I enjoy this guys work because you never see him as much as you'd like, so it was an awesome treat to see him play Moloch in this film. And Played him great!! Frewer is an acting genius.
Stephen McHattie as Hollis Mason / Nite Owl: The first vigilante to take up the mantle of Nite Owl. I loved all of Hollis Mason's parts in the comic, and I love them more in this film. He's the old "war story' guy at the bar that doesn't have a problem sitting down with a young buck and telling him about the old days. Well, this was even more of the case, especially with Daniel Drieberg's and Hollis Mason's relationship. Hollis was the old Nite Owl in the 40's and 50's and Daniel took over the mantle of Nite Owl after Mason. And they are friends to this day. Hollis is the father figure to daniel, and it worked beautifully in the film!
Danny Woodburn as Big Figure: A dwarf crime boss whom Rorschach and Nite Owl put in prison fifteen years prior. WoodBurn was perfect for Big Figure, especially in the scenes opposite Rorschach in the prison.
The rest of the characters were small appearances and cameos, but where well placed in the film
Niall Matter as Byron Lewis / Mothman: He is not a main focus of the storyline, but appears in flashbacks, at one point reduced in his later years to fragile sanity.
Dan Payne as Bill Brady / Dollar Bill: A first-generation crime fighter who caught his cape in a revolving door during a bank robbery and was shot to death. Payne is a fan of the comic and shot his scenes over four days, both for his cameo in the theatrical cut and the fictionalized DVD documentary.
Apollonia Vanova as Ursula Zandt / Silhouette: A former member of the Minutemen who was forced into retirement after her status as a lesbian became public knowledge. She and her partner were later murdered by a former arch villain. This woman is gorgeous!
Glenn Ennis as Rolf Müller / Hooded Justice: The first masked vigilante to appear in the 1930s. Was involved in a sham relationship with the first Silk Spectre to hide his homosexuality. Later thought to be killed by The Comedian.
Darryl Scheelar as Nelson Gardner / Captain Metropolis: An ex-Marine and one of the founding members of the Minutmen.

The imfamous blue penis. Dr Manhattan as he appeared in the Watchmen comic. DC comics (c)
Although he intended to stay faithful to the look of the characters in the comic, Snyder wanted Nite Owl to look scarier and Ozymandias to possess authentic Egyptian attire and artifacts, as evident of these all through Ozy's living and work spaces. Ultimately, Oyzmandias, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre changed most from the comic in my oppinion, as audiences might not appreciate the naiveté of the original costumes and think of them looking TOO campy or comic~booky. So, there has been some effort to give them a modern look — and not modern in the sense of 2007, but modern in terms of the superhero aesthetic. The changes really work, especially for NiteOwl, the costumes had to look realistic and protective, and that the Nite Owl costume should reflect Dan's interest in aerodynamics. The chain mail in his costume resemble a bird's feathers also which was wicked I think, like a mechanical look to him.
The sets were amazing! Nixon's war room pays direct and obvious tribute to the war room in the film Dr. Strangelove (another one of my favorites). Dr. Manhattan's apartment, which is inside his laboratory, looked like the work of Maison Jansen. The apartment also echoes the film The Man Who Fell to Earth, with a book prop named Masterpieces in Paint and Poetry and a tennis courtroom with similar wallpaper. So there was alot of Odes to great flicks like Seven and BladeRunner with all the grizzled and wet back alley ways, neon signs everywhere and brightly lit air ships and enormous bright billboards..just screamed BladeRunner..Loved it!

Promo poster for Watchmen. (c)Warner bros.
The film uses some of the songs mentioned in the comic. One of the songs is "The Times They Are a-Changin'" by Bob Dylan. My Chemical Romance, whose members are fans of the comic, covered Dylan's "Desolation Row" for the first half of the closing credits. The film also features two pieces from Philip Glass' score to 1982 film Koyaanisqatsi accompanying the birth of Dr. Manhattan. Those pieces worked well during manhattan's heartbreaking narration about what happened in his life leading up to the point were he decides to leave earth. There was alot of great music used in the film, songs like "99 red balloons" used to memphasize a point in time and this was really effective! The majority of the films musical atmosphere was composed by Tyler bates and intergrated well with the chosen tracks for the film.
Three's company. The controversial threesome in the watchmen. Written by Alan Moore.

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