Hey movie buffs and superhero fanatics! I have an awesome item here for you to look at. I picked up the Hot Toys 12" IronMan MK III figure and almost died when I saw the detail on this thing! It's a direct replica of the power suit that tony Stark builds in the film. And it has all the bells and whistles it showcases in the film as well!
The Packaging is awesome, with the magnetic clasp that is now a household feature on all Sideshow/Hottoys packaging. Inside (pictured below) You get some nifty specs on Tony's creation and has some really well done photography of the actual toy (better than I could do) So the pics on thre box actually look like shots from the movie they're that nice.
Out of the box, IronMan stands a little over 12" tall, comes with a cool looking stand that you can position IronMan to make him look like he's flying! The set also comes with two pairs of extra hands to go along with the fisted hands. These hands are unique becouse they have LEDs in them. So when the power suit lights up, so do the energy blasters in IronMan's hands! and it looks amazing! There is a helmetless noggen of Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr. And it looks bang on, looks just like him. The head, along with the extra hands are perfect proportion to the body, and that's something that ALWAYS stands out to me. I have an eye for exact proportion ;D
The armour is BEAUTIFULLY painted in IronMan's trademark Metallic Race car red and brilliant gold. Such amazing work on the paint scheme..not one bleed mark on my piece, even the small screws are painted perfectly and accurately.
The cool thing about the IronMan head, is that eventhough you get an extra head of tony Stark, the IronMan head features a flip up visor (with the light up LEDs in the eyes) and underneath is the face of Tony Stark, and it's the same face as the full head mold.
IronMan here is limited in Mobility, but not much, you can get some amazing looking action poses, like the one below, and his joints move moderately normal, we;;, as normal as a man in a suit of armour would!
Here is my FAVORITE feature on this toy, EVERYTHING that should light up, actually lights up..and brightly(pictured below). This badBoy takes about 4 medium sized watch batteries to do this. So if they burn out, they are easily replaced. And I love things that light up, makes the 150$ price tag all the more nicer. So many expensive things come out and they do absolutely nothing! So it's nice to get these extra bonuses =)
Other really cool things about this toy are the flip up flight stabilizers and drag fins! All of the ones seen in the film, right from his feet to his shoulders!
And here is the mug of Robert Downey. Pretty spot on actually, a little mean mug looking, but he has that "don't mess with me, I'm IronMan bitch" look. And I can totally se him saying something like that. The pic below of Tony in the suit is actually a modified James Bond figure, I just swapped heads with 007 and Tony looks like he's ready to party with Euro Models =))
later folks!
P.S. The Ignite Ninja and sideshow's 212th battalian CloneTrooper from Starwars will be reviewed shortly. So hope you enjoyed this, there is more toys to come!
deadsurfkiss out!
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