I doubt Chatterer is a vegatarian. I mean, I didn't see him slip over to the salad buffet in any of the HellRaiser movies ever so I think that's pretty obvious even with those bloody hooks, he's jones'n for some red meat. The chain has a corroded brown rust look along with the dried up brown blood paint app. And it looks real, which is what I look for in my toys ;)
Now does this look like a face you could trust? Or confide in? Exactly, me niether, but he does his job, and that's to scare EVERYONE in sight. I remember when I first saw this guy on screen. I mean Pinhead is scary and creepy, but come on!! This guys teeth are clicking NON STOP! He has no eyes, yet he lurches over toward you slowly and surely. It was scary stuff then, and scary stuff now that I have one in my house haha!
Alright, the S&M-like suit Chatterer wears is made to look and feel like thick, but smooth leather and they pulled that off nicely! It has all these slits and zippers and holes and such exposing the surgical torture this guy went through as Pinhead created him (I guess in the back story, all the Cenobites are "experiments" of Pinhead himself) So yeah, this guy has the look of being tortured, mutilated, cut up, diced, sliced open until death, and then revived LOL! ...It's a tough life for a Cenobite! ;D
Alright some sick as hell, but equally as cool features on this dude, there is a leather like flap that rises up behind his head, and it covers up an incision from the top of his head and down his neck...O_O And it looks wet and freshly opened, so be warned, it ain't pretty in the pic below! haha!
you can actually take your thumb, as I'm doing, and "peel" the soft skin open around the head and see the cranium, and nerve membrane of this guys skull, and I must say it looks legit....and kinda painful!
Cool, alright on to this guys mouth. Any dentist would recommend a teeth whitening appointment for Chatterer. But honestly, would you really be so inclined to pass that info on to him? Right, the teeth...as they do in the movie, they do here as well. You flip a lil' switch on this sucker's back and presto! click! click! click! click! click! He begins to chatter as he perfects that creepy, eyeless stare........truely disturbing to hear that sound come out of this, This is NOT a toy you want under the christmas tree for little Johny. Unless you were purposely setting out to ruin the kids weekly sleep pattern! The soft rubbery mouth has surgical hooks keeping the lips and tissue pulled back, and I think it wouldn't be the same without them, it just looks effin' creepy! The rubber is really soft too, so the chattering jaws can do their thing flawlessly.
Pictured above and below, are the openings in the suit that expose his surgical scars, and he has alot. Looks like Pinhead went to town on whoever this guy was before he turned him into Chatterer. Like the skin on the head, you can pull the costume around and see more scars and wierd scribbled hieroglyphics all over his body from a razor. Seriously, this guy is the EMO of emos! =P
K, I love horror, and gory stuff and shit like the next movie fan. Anyone who is a horror fan or loves stuff from Clive Barker? This thing screams Clive Barker, it literally has him written all over him ;) haha! The weathered looking leather, the rusty chain, the blood slattered hooks and fingers, the surgical scars, the teeth......man, everything is done wickedly on him! NECA created one of the scariest toys to ever come out, and this folks is it right here. He's been out for a couple years. I tried to look for him a couple moons back but could never find him. And he was not produced as heavily as the PinHead one...so he's actually kinda scarce right now. If you can find one, I recommend just showing him to peoples who enjoy horror because this one is disturbing to the uninitiated! I give Chatterer a 10 out of 10 for STILL scaring me and wierding me the hell out! The things I enjoy paying for! =D
Oh, check out the last photo. I only realised it when I looked at it when I put this short review together. But it looks as though he's walking out from my back porch! It actually looks like a dude in a suit, or worse.............the real thing (que scary musakz!)
Alright, I'm out of here! Have a great week everyone!
Movie reviews will resume as normal this week, there's about 4 coming up that I'm gonna look at, so stay tuned for that! Peace!
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