HEY everyone! Alright, last week I recieved this collectable that I ordered off of eBay (along with Snake Eyes). Generally, I stay away from the masterpiece editions of toys because they're usually over 200$ haha! And I don't know too many people that spend that kind of cash on toys. So I saw this puppy for 20$ canadian, and eventually got into a bidding war with two other bidders. 70$ later and I came out on top! =P Alright, I FINALLY got this in the mail...and man, I can honestly say, if this was a 100$ canadian, I'd still pick it up as I realize the engineering in this guy. This thing is AWESOME! If you're a robot fan, or a Transformers freak like me, than StarScream here is a sweet add to your collection. The Packaging is ok, it has a 2 piece "clam shell" that you simply just pull apart. All the missile pieces and the base are inside. Pretty collector friendly, no tape, or twisties to worry about.

The jet is an f~15 class fighter, just like StarScream was in the comics and cartoon and is about 9 to 10 inches long. What's differant is the color sceme from the general concept of StarScream. Purists may not like StarScreams "gun metal" look. But honestly, he looks realistic, with all the labeling and burn marks around the tail fins and the after burners. Whereas StarScreams original colors are a white body, with red and blue trimming(and you can find that version in those colors through WAL-mart)........now I love StarScream, but come on, he looks like a stunt plane or a trainer jet! So the color scheme here works for me.

Some of the cool features added into this jet are the intergrated rader in the nose cone. You just simply push the nose tip to the side and the rader is exposed, simple. Another cool thing is the addition of a pilot. But this is no ordinary pilot, more like an abductee. In the cartoon, the decepticons kidnaped a human scientist. This is the scientist, Doctor Archeville. Very cool touches are the intergration of the decepticon faction symbol into the U.S. flag and the Airforce crests. Instead of the usual "serve and protect" slogans that you generally see on american or british fighter craft, it reads "victory is paved with the ashes of our enemies" ..pretty straight forward that these bad guys aren't kidding around.
The wing stabilizers and tail fins (pictured above) are adjustible, and the thruster cylinders of the after burners are adjustable as well.

When transformed, StarScream Stands about 8-9 inches tall. And compared to the 7+ inches tall you get from the Alternators. He's an accurate size and fits in with them fine. He's got 2 hands with lots of articulation in the fingers even! In the head he has the choice of 2 differant faces as well. An angry/serious face and one with a smirk. In the comic lore and cartoon, it's common knowledge that StarScream is a mouthy talk-backer who smirks with his charming banter. And he's also got a pretty big ego. I mean, he's the only one who questions Megatron's orders....who the hell does that and survives? Well, this guy right here. I guess Meg's is just tolerant enough of him to not take him seriously. But this is usually megatrons vice: Underestimating his enemies and comrades....because StarScream would kill Megatron and steal the title of leadership in a heartbeat if given even half a chance. This masterpiece edition of SS looks like the cartoon SS and still has the realistic alt mode to boot. And he changes similar to the older G1 toy, save for a couple adjustments.

The missiles from the wings are now laser cannons on his tricep area (do robots have triceps? ..hmmm) The second set of rockets fit on the back of the wings (pictured below)and they can barely be seen from the front. So this guy is full of surprises in a fight. Like the Optimus Prime MasterPiece edition, StarScream has cool looking hydraulics in the elbow and knee area. And they are functioning hydraulics that don't take away from the posibility of the overall figure. They also help support and hold positions well.
This is StarScream with the decepticon alternator versions of Rumble, ShockWave and DeadEnd. Comparatively, they are a great size and don't look awkward. Megatron and Optimus TOWER over the alternators, which is also accurate. They're just bigger robots.
The only gripe (and maybe I'm just being too picky) is the fact that there is over 10 decepticon logos on this jet. So the idea of "hiding" especially from Autobots is kinda out the window. That said, the logos work very well with the overall look. Especially the purple ones. StarScreams Jet mode just looks bad ass, and evil. A normal pilot would look at this plane, read the "wonderful" sentiments on the sides and problebly not get into the cockpit haha!

The detail on this figure is flawless and top notch and not overdone, except for the multiple "look at me, I'm a decepticon" numbers in bad guy hints in the logos.

The landing gear are functional, the cockpit is raisable, the the engine and computer mainframe panels can be lifted and expose the engine and computer hardware.

I love this fighter jet. It's apparently still one of the deadliest along with the f~14 Tomcat and the new f~22 Talon (StarScreams jet mode in the Transformers movies)

As I've mentioned, it changes pretty much like the old version of the toy that came out 25 years ago, just a bit more complicated. If a jet started doing this infront of me, I wouldn't stick around to see the end result. StarScream here is known for not thinking twice about stepping on pesky humans! O_O

The nose breaks down, and swivels into the chest so the cockpit becomes apart of his chest, and the head is then exposed. The arms fold out from the sides, legs extend and pull apart, and the wings fold and twist like origami giving him the look of a demonic robot with wings. He's always looked cool to me. And is problebly just as popular as Megatron.

And StarScream is complete! I give this figure 10 out of 10. I don't even care about the wierd number of faction logos, It really doesn't take away from this figure at any rate. So StarScream comes out of this review with full marks!
There is modified variants of SkyWarp and ThunderCracker. All with differant weapons and color schemes ofcourse. So I think if you're rich, or have some cash to play with, these toys are a great thing to own. On ebay, They sell for upwards of 300$ american. So if you need cash, these things can always be sold rather quickly. I can see them selling for much more once they are scarce enough. So good luck finding them if you want them down the road!

Thanks for reading my StarScream review! Later!
The pics are all from me, they look alright because I got a new camera, thank god for auto focus!
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