This line is(next to the Masterpiece line) Is the definitive Transformers line using real licsensed vehicles to round out the vehicle modes. It's a stand out line for sure becouse of the high detail focused on the characters(generally reimaginings of G1 characters) and some of the most complicated and articulate transformations ever for transformer toys. The Alternators were born from a line in Japan called Binaltech and the only differance really was color changes and more metallic parts(a Binaltech transformer willl cost you double for the fact that they are mostly metal). Sadly discontinued..word has it that this line will be revived with the addition of military, city and construction vehicles!! Heres hoping they make a Devastator out of CATERPILLAR class construction engines!
Stand out characters for me were Jazz(Mazda RX), Hound(Jeep), Mirage(mustang concept GT)
Ravage(Jaguar), Sideswipe(Dodge Viper), Arcee(Honda S2000) and SmokeScreen(Suberu SRT)

Covering everything from TV to movies to comics, the 12" line from SideShow Toys is problebly the worlds greatest and most detailed line of action figures to date. Lots of articulation, weapons and accesories, and the best face sculps and paint jobs in the industry. Stand out lines under the SideShow umbrella 12" line are StarWars, G.I.Joe, James Bond, and various other comic and tv show properties. Check this company out, you might find something you like! Stand out pieces for me are Snake Eyes (G.I.Joe), Darth maul(Star Wars), Duncan McCloud(HighLander)

3))) MARVEL LEGENDS action figures (Hasbro(C))
This is one action figure line I think any true collector gets their hands in they know they have the definitive action figure, the most perfect ones ever created reside in this very line! Which is still going strong after about 7 years of amazing figure releases. These figures, standing at an average of 7 inches tall, have to be the most articulated figures on the planet!!! Going right down to articulated toes and fingers! They are usually well painted and the face sculpts are spot on with the coinsiding character. The last 10 or so lines give you the parts (when getting all the figures in a certain series) to "build your own" action figure! One of the best ones was an 18 inch tall figure of Galactus! Amazing looking figures in this line that impressed me are Captain Britain, Wolverine Black Ops, Rhino, Bull's Eye, Sentinal Robot, Colossus, Night Crawler and Angel.

Photo of Vision(C) Courtesy of Marvel Comics(C) and Hasbro toys(C)
4))) SPAWN/McFarlane Toys.
Problebly the pioneers of highly detailed sculpting and paint applications for toys and statues. This company is known for creating some of the most imaginative and truely gruesome looking monsters!! Lines such as Spawn(C) it's self contain differant renitions of Spawn and his allies and villains. McFarlane also covers music, sports, military, movie properties, and other personalities in high definition detail!

5))) NECA toys.
Hot on the heels (some even believe they're better) of Mc Farlane toys, NECA produces Horror movie and cult classic horror properties in the same vain as Mcfarlane. With a wide range of properties and trademark sculpting and painting, this figure line is up there with the best of them!

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