Well what can I say? I'm old enough to know that toys are just for kids (but are they really? ;D)
and to ignore the impact of one particular brand would be sacrilege against my own childhood. Some of these toys made such an impact on our childhoods that it helped us live out our imaginations as children. Helped us use our minds that other things simply couldn't do for us, they helped us to dream! As an adult, I'm happy to say they still do that! One notable toyline invokes images of giant robots that change into cars or jets or even cassette players to use as a disguise! And these amazing toys changed those who enjoyed them forever!
yes, I'm talking about TRANSFORMERS!

Original G1 Transformers Cartoon which debuted in North America in 1984.
They've come along way over the last 25 years and exuded a success that is literally unrivaled. I mean us boys had G.I. Joe and Starwars and all sorts of other things to mess around in the sand box with..but the one thing that we all enjoyed were the cars and jets and trucks that changed into our favorite robots, that most of us still know them by name today! It was a toy that soon became a cartoon and had millions of us trampling over each other, bashing each other over the heads with our lunchboxes to get home in time to catch it! It then became a popular Marvel comic book, it became a theatrical animated release, it even became our bedsheets and pillow covers and toothbrushes! Transformers was everywhere...and it still is here to stay!

Transformers #1 Published by Marvel Comics.
After 25 years, Transformers spawned dozens of toy lines, comic books, and cartoons that continue the battle between the Heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. And the great thing is that all the main characters from years back are still an important part of the lore! Fan's excitement reached a feverish pitch in 2006 when it was announced that Transformers was coming to the big screen. A movie so exciting, and successful that the fans demanded more after seeing it! As soon as the film was release, work on Transformers II Revenge of the Fallen was underway and should be released sometime this summer with extremely high anticipation!

Autobot leader Optimus Prime from Micheal Bay's 2006 movie TRANSFORMERS.

So, where did all this come from you ask? From a toyline that was once only available in the country of Japan! The north american toy giant HASBRO had made a deal with TAKARA japan to sell the toys over on our shores. With new names, and looks, the original 20 robots or so, eventually expanded into hundreds! And with the popularity came the story. People wanted to know "were they came from?"

Original Optimus Prime Transformer toy from Takara/Hasbro line of 1984.
The cartoon told a story about a race of robots(Autobots) that went to war with another alien robots, the Decepticons. Once living in peace, the Decepticon leader Megatron, along with his "trusted" allies Starscream and Soundwave, orcastrated a war with the Autobots. After thousands of ages, the Autobots, lead by a risen leader Optimus Prime, leave the planet Cybertron, in hopes of establishing help to regain their home world. The Decepticons followed them! Bringing thier war to planet Earth! After millions of years they wake in our modern age. And the wars starts again. But these alien robots have the ability to "scan" technology for a disguise. Being on a new planet, with new technology, both warring factions use earth vehicles as disguises. The stakes are higher this time around. The Autobots know this is OUR planet, so the Autobots now have a reason to fight, to save us!

Decepticon Starscream from Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
I can't say how happy I am about the Hall of Fame Induction because it tells me what I've thought all along! Transformers were and always will be the greatest toy ever!
These are pictures from some of the best lines Transformers has to offer. Transformers Alternators ( which utilize realistic vehicles and licenses) and Transformers Masterpiece Editions which focuses on the characters from the G1 (generation one) Cartoon but adds more sophistication to them. At the end there is a handful of pictures of some fan~made Transformers showcasing some peoples talents as well as thier love of Transformers.
And finally, the last photo set is of a brand new Transformer from the Transformers II Revenge of the Fallen film! It's a spoiler so you may wanna skip it...I'll leave a warning so you 'll know where it is!
Here's a look at the TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS line(also called BINALTECH in Japan)
Autobot TRACKS in 2008 Chevy Corvette C5 Z06 and robot modes. Hasbro 2006.

Decepticon DEADEND in 2007 Dodge Viper SRT car and robot mode.Hasbro 2006.

Decepticon DECEPTICHARGE in 2006 Honda S2000 car and robot modes. Hasbro 2006.
Autobot leader OPTIMUS PRIME in 2006 Dodge Ram SRT-10 150 truck and robot modes. Habro 2006.
Autobot GRIMLOCK in 2007 Ford Mustang GT car and robot modes. Hasbro 2007.
Autobot HOUND in Jeep Wrangler and robot modes. Hasbro 2005.
Autobot JAZZ in Mazda RX8 and robot modes. Hasbro 2007.
Autobot MIRAGE in Ford GT concept model and robot modes. Hasbro 2006.
Autobot PROWL in Acura RSX police model and robot modes. Hasbro 2007.

Decepticon RAVAGE in 2008 Jaguar XK and beast mode. Hasbro 2008.
MasterPiece OPTIMUS PRIME and Subaru Impreza RED ALERT variant.Hasbro 2004,2007.
Autobot RODIMUS PRIME in 2006 Ford GT concept model and robot modes.Hasbro 2007 San Diego Comicon Exclusive.
Decepticon RUMBLE in Honda Civic Si car and robot modes. Hasbro 2008.
Decepticon SHOCKBLAST(a.k.a. SHOCKWAVE) in Mazda RX8 and robot modes.Hasbro 2007.
Autobot SIDESWIPE in 2006 Dodge Viper SRT car and robot modes. Hasbro 2005.
Autobot SKIDS in 2007 Scion xB car and robot modes. Hasbro 2006.

Autobot SILVERSTREAK Subaru Impreza WRX car and robot modes(BLUESTREAK WRC rally car variant also shown) Hasbro 2004.

Autobot SMOKESCREEN Subaru Impreza WRC rally car and robot modes. Hasbro 2004.

Autobot SUNSTREAKER Dodge Viper SRT car mode. Hasbro 2005.

Autobot SUNSTREAKER Dodge Viper SRT-7 car and robot mode.(black Viper decepticon DEADEND)Hasbro 2005.

MasterPiece Megatron MP-05 in robot and Walther P.38 gun modes. Takara 2008.

MasterPiece Starscream in robot mode (Cartoon Edition).Takara 2007.

MasterPiece starscream in robot mode(Japanese edition)

Masterpiece Ultra Magnus (MP-02) robot and Semi Truck modes. Takara 2005.

Below are fan~made kitbashes of Alternators from the story "Dead Within"

Optimus Prime Robot and Dodge Ram truck modes.

Mirage Robot and Ford GT concept modes.

Optimus Prime close-up and detail work (Masterpiece Optimus Prime was used)

Autobot Skids detail work (Skids Alternator was used)

Below is a fan~made rendition of Arcee, the female autobot (a RoadBot body was used!)

Arcee with hood, doors and trunk open.

Arcee in robot mode (the beautiful head sculpt is from scratch!)
Below is a fan made design of the Decepticon SnakeBite (SilverStreak was used)

SnakeBite in Subaru Impreza and Robot mode!
Custom Smokescreen by Simonster70, Subaru Impreza and robot modes.

ActionMaster Autobot Kickoff custom Mazda RX8 and robot modes.

(((((((((SPOILER ALERT)))))))))
This is the vehicle mode for our mystery Transformer from Revenge of the Fallen!

And the Transformer is.........................

...... MEGATRON!!!!!!
This is Megatron's brand new look for the returning Decepticon leader this summer!
Thanks everyone for reading my Tribute to one of the greatest toy lines ever created, hope you enjoyed!!!
Alternators/Binaltech photos courtesy of http://www.siebertron.com/
Megatron, Starscream, Ultra Magnus masterpiece photos courtesy of http://www.flashout.net/
Arcee Alternator custom created by Kyle Robinson, pics courtesy of http://www.figurerealm.com/
Battle damaged/zombie Skids, Mirage, Optimus prime masterpiece and alternator customs created by The TransTorchure, pics courtesy of http://www.figurerealm.com/
G1 vintage smokescreen custome created by Simonster70, pics courtesy of http://www.figurerealm.com/
Actionmaster Autobot KickOff custom created by Massprime, pics courtesy of http://www.figurerealm.com/
Megatron (ROTF) pictures courtesy of http://www.ft080.net/